So although you might see some synonyms of pennsylvania dutch in the list below, many of the words below will have other relationships with pennsylvania dutch - you could see a word with the exact opposite meaning in the word list, for example. It's quite common to hear Dutch people use swear words in public places, with friends, around family, and even at work. Words of the Week yes = yau (to agree; opposite of no) yes = yo ( definitely yes or absolutely yes; for emphasis) Type of / Kind of / Sort of = faVass fa challenges hott da Bryan katt? Slet = Slut 9. Welcome to DutchReviews swearing guide where well teach you all the Dutch insults you will ever need during your life in the Netherlands. Im Dutch, and I can tell you shit and fuck are actually used a lot. I thought it mightve meant, God damn it, and you, too.. Hut fa dumma is what the woman in the boat used. Caption noun = vasss sawkt unna droh (lit: what is says under it)Gukk an di piktahs un vasss sawkt unna droh. Governing Body noun = di Drubb es Foahgayt. In Dutch, swear words often fall into categories, however, it is very common to combine one or more of the categories to come up with an extra strong swear word. This is similar to putting I think or I believe at the end of a statement in English. Which means God damn it, (and something) yet to come!. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z, Search this page with Ctrl+F (PC) | Find on page (mobile). Im a 36-year old Amsterdam native, and Ive never heard anyone use the term Franse Slag in my entire life. Not racist When distinctions needed to be made during that period, "High Dutch" meant German, and . Obey verb = heicha compare listen (verb)Miah missa Gott heicha. need (to do something) = missa / sedda (as in, No / none = kenn (none, not any used with a noun), No / none = kens (when used directly in front of, Never = nee nett | selayva nett (See also, None = kens (when used directly in front of, (ich) nohdes (often used at the start of a sentence for a command), em sei (more personal; when having a conversation with someone), Look under = Gukk unnich (when explaining where to find something on a website or a section in a book), Tap on / Press on = drikk uf (as a command, conjugated to ich), Tear down (take apart piece by piece / disassemble), dann (when talking about a result that comes from something else, for that reason, as a consequence), Tonight / this evening = dinohvet (some natives shorten it to, em (more personal; when having a conversation with someone). They also use English fuck, fucking though. Church rules noun = di adninga / di adlinga (pl). And heck, otherwise you can at least enjoy his nice videos on the experience of learning Dutch. Verbs that go with alli-ebbah are conjugated for he/she/it not they.Alli-ebbah is am goot du. Surcingle noun = da bauch-gatt (belt or strap that goes under horses stomach to hold a saddle or pack to horses back)Mach shuah da bauch-gatt teit is. 2. Its not Lekker pik, but Lekker, pik and the literal English translation is what Emma mentioned in her comment. Preaching (work) noun = di ministry (as in the preaching work that we do) (not breddiches)Unsah ministry is goot organized. Jeetje Mina. Es waarken maulvoll gat.---There was nothing good about it. Get out off of the road, verdomme. Anyway my opinion about the Dutch using diseases in their cursing is because there are not many other taboos left in The Netherlands. 0 Views. Verbs that go with di drubb are conjugated for he/she/it not they. Start noun = da shteahtSi henn en goodah shteaht katt. and you correctly break it down to; god = god, verdom = damn and me = me. This last one sounds great to my Spanish ears, same, as the English b*ll*cks, but the latter example is another story. )Macht da lesson faddich. Additionally, after arriving to Pennsylvania, many German immigrants encountered objects and concepts for which they did not have words. My closest guess would be Godverdomme, (something) nog aan toe!. Its often used by the a-social type of teenagers, but its indeed very very frowned upon by most people. / is that not so? Let us know in the comments. I will be glad. Sympathize verb = mitt-leida (to have fellow feeling for someone), Talk noun = da talk (as in a speech or presentation), Talk verb = shvetza (as in to talk; not to be confused with talk (noun)), Teaching Toolbox noun = di Teaching Toolbox, Tell verb = sawwa (same as say)Compare with to tell a story; narrate. Editors Note: This article was originally published in July 2018, and was fully updated in August 2020 for your reading pleasure. Under it / beneath it = unna drohGukk an di piktahs un vasss sawkt unna droh. How about typhoid fever? Lul is one of the many creative ways to curse at someone in Dutch. This was in fact the first swear word I learned when arriving in the Netherlands. (I will let them know. Oh and thanks for the * on the cancer one. Put up with verb = uf du mittMiah missa patiently uf du mitt unsah kinnah. )Miah gevva praise zu Gott bei vi shay es miah dressa. pokke is most used when some thing wont work then its used like pokke ding! or when you try to make a scentence like Klere pokke tyfus!, My parents spoke Dutch in the home we live in CA now but it was a real fun show to watch and listen to the words they would throw against each other when they argued or got mad at one another .. Benefit verb = badda (as in to be of benefit, aid or help)Ich habb da Johnny sei hoot bei gebrocht. Swearing in Dutch can be broken down into three categories: feces, genitalia and diseases. You can even go on study-buddy dates where one of you will speak one language and then []. The words glawb ich can also be combined into a single word, glavvich; similar to habb ich / havvich.Glawbs voah geshtah. In researching his book on this form of Dutch profanity, he uncovered versions of this illness-based cussing reaching back to the 1910s. Better (one) noun = bessahrahIch binn en teacher avvah du bisht en bessahrah. Loud adj = laut (Compare with sound (verb) and out loud)Sellah hund is laut! Killed verb = doht gmacht (needs helper verb for whoever is doing the killing). Pennsylvania Dutch Words. Tough time phrase = tuffi zeit (as in a difficult, rough period of time; similar to haddi zeit). Log in verb = log nei (see other Technology Words). business names, or pet names), this page might help you come up with ideas. Profanity Words. (See example above). Dictionary for the Pennsylvania Dutch (Pennsylvania German) dialect. Force verb = forsaMiah kenna nett leit forsa fa ebbes du es miah vella. Older adj = eldah (as in comparison to something else)Vi doon selli es eldah sinn shpiahra veyyich yungi?Ich binn eldah heit es ich voah geshtah!Sis hatt fa eldah vadda. There is a big difference between the two: Mocking noun = shpoddes (ridicule; what a person experiences)Vann di kinnah an shool voahra, missa si deela mitt shpoddes. Si sinn nett dihaym.S nett en dawks fabei gayt, Peaceful adj = peaceful (does not change for the noun it goes with). In Pennsylvania Dutch, though, it translates literally to "thy name let hallowed be." This passive construction, while permissible in standard German, is atypical of the mother tongue. Never use shneida when talking about cutting wood. Where as schelden it purposefully insulting someone with the intend to hurt their feelings. For other uses for the word fa, see also the dictionary and the words For and To for additional meanings. Beside = nayvich (physically next to something)Da nei bohm is geblanst nayvichs haus. You might have noticed that some of the other Transparent Language blogs have started to cover swear words and now well go ahead and learn how to swear in Dutch. I think most Dutch speaking people (including me) know more and worse words than covered in this article. ), Couple adj = poah (as in amount; also a few). The only other situation where you should use one of these is never. Were just trying cover as many aspects of Dutch culture for you, our international reader fan-base. If your pet/blog/etc. Ready adj = reddiBisht reddi? (as in open)Ich zaylds uf lossa zu dich. The present subjunctive in Dutch is formed by adding the stem -e to the verb root. Zakkenwasser (bags-washer or ballsack-washer, a Dutch favourite and meaning douchebag) Klootzak (Ballsack, this is one of the most common Dutch swear words against fellas, more or less the same as asshole) Kloothommel (scrotum bumblebee, we really like our junk here in the Netherlands) Choose from verb = raus laysa (pick out; select from)Ich habb di fauli aebbeahra raus laysa. Folks from tilburg were called kruikenzeikers Let verb = lossa (see also leave)Loss mich helfa! Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for omissions and errors. Your examples of mof, jew and kut marokaan are even worse and can be classed as discrimination, in the last instance its definately discrimination. Often, the words used in profanity by speakers of Dutch are based around various names for diseases. Will be verb = (eah/see/es) vattNimmand vatt kfrohkt fa geld. Hassle noun = vattshaftSis en vattshaft! Does any know what it means and how its actually spelled in Dutch? The nobles, who ruled, spoke Old French, a Gallo-Roman dialect descended from Latin and spoken in northern France, the ancestor of modern French. Own pro = ayknesUf unsah ayknes kenna miah nettachtgevvauf alles. The opposite of Godverdomme is God zegene en behoede je. Follow (an example) verb = nohch kumma (to follow after someone and do what they did)Sei foos-dabba nohch kumma. Though it is widely believed that the Dutch in Pennsylvania Dutch is due to a mistranslation of the word Deitsch (or Deutsch, in standard German), that is not correct. Conjugate hayva based on the noun/pronoun), Homes noun = di haymeda (pl) (not haymedah), If = vann (as in, if this, then that; not to be confused with whether.) Direction noun = es direction (as in guidance or instructions)Miah seddas direction trosta funn unsah eldra. Have the opinion or viewpoint verb = mayna (not used the same as mean (verb)) See also viewS mensht leit mayna es is.Vann du maynsht ess zu feel is fa deela mitt. Did we cross the line? Flat adj = flaettSi sinn ufs flaett dach funn iahra haus. Have you ever been so angry at someone that you verbally express your desire for them getting cholera? Field service = di ministry (not feld deensht). Move verb = zeeya (as in to move residence), Need verb (See also Need language lesson), Necessary = nohtvendich (not nohdvendich), New World Translation noun = di New World Translation. DutchReview,of course, does not condone the use of any of the following Dutch curse words, profanity or phrases. Prepared adj = reddi (to be prepared (ready); used with sei or vadda)Vass kann em helfa fa goot reddi sei fa di fasamlinga? If you break it down god = god, verdom = damn and me = me. Pennsylvania Dutch (Deitsch, Pennsilfaanisch-Deitsch or Pennsilfaanisch), sometimes referred to as Pennsylvania German, is a variety of Palatine German, also known as Palatine Dutch, spoken by the Pennsylvania Dutch: Old Order Amish, Old Order Mennonites, Fancy Dutch, and other descendants of German immigrants in the United States and Canada. Keep in mind that the Dutch like to use curse words even when they're not angry. Closed adj = zu gmachtS buch is zu gmacht. Turn down verb = nunnah drayya (to say no to something) (conjugate drayya to the noun or pronoun)Du nunnah draysht may rawm boi. Far adj = veitVass henn miah gland so veit?Even vanns veit is fa gay, doon miah alsnoch reklah zammah kumma. . Dutch profanity? When they say cute in English what does that mean? He also used godverdomme and klootzak what something didnt work out or he hurt himself. Saw verb = sayya (as in to cut up wood. One (number) = ayn (See also ay, ayn, ayns, and vann language lesson)Miah henn drei geil: zvay sinn brau, un ayn is shvatz. Check out the new guide. What it means in Pennsylvania: An adjective that has become synonymous with the Pittsburgh Steelers, in a surprisingly awesome (and not bad) way. Cards noun = di koada (pl)Ich kann baut nett voahra fa koada shpeela. Eah is fann fa singa! Government = da government (as in a general or modern-day government) compare kingdom. Godverdomme does not mean God damn me, but is derived from Godverdoemhet. The words down here at the bottom of the list will be in some way associated with pennsylvania dutch, but perhaps tenuously (if you've currenly got it sorted by relevance, that is). Click above or below pictures Stop Being So Shussly Don't be so spastic Outen the Lights Turn off the lights The Baby's Grexy The baby's cranky Wootz A person who pigs out eating Wickter Victor Raisin Strop It's painted on the side of a car Fressing Binging on sweets Hurrieder The origin of this word is not known. View verb = ohgukka (to look at something in a certain way) Compare with maynaBoviah sacha ohgukka vi dei partner dutt. Newer adj = neiyahIs deah neiyah es di anri? The phrase nett noch (or noch nett) can be used by itself as a sentence, or included as part of a sentence. That is like using Santa Claus as a swear word. Tidy / Tidied up adj = ufgrohmdS haus is so sauvah un ufgrohmd. cute would probably be Kut, meaning vagina. See also married people. Thats right, it is a well-known fact that wishing an illness upon your enemies is a common way to curse in Dutch. Section noun = da sectionVass lanna ma funn deah section? One pro = vann (when refering to another person). 2. Ive heard my parents using it, quite an old-fashioned (and mild) term. Finish verb = faddich macha (conjugate macha) (Note: Both words work together but do not have to be right next to each other in the sentence. The Pennsylvania Dutch Dialect Project includes a variety of short texts in the language, including jokes! Learn how your comment data is processed. As much as language programs seem to always start with numbers, greetings or even colours, for many people the first word is a swear word. Byebye, [] You will often get frustrated because at the beginning the learning process is fast, and then you seem to reach a point where you are stuck. Very difficult because my dad was born in Amsterdam and Im USA, and phonetically it is completely different. Let's take a look at some of the most frequent Dutch words that you won't learn in your normal learning material. I hope this list of pennsylvania dutch terms was useful to you in some way or another. The person who first put these two together must have felt really creative! Wish verb = voddaIch vott sveah Samshdawk sos miah gay kenna ebbel geddahra. in a = inna (not innen)Brenna inna feiyahrichi hell faimmah is nett even feah in Gott sei awwa. Such = so (when emphasizing something)Fido is so en aldah hund. The first-known use. This swear word is often used when something is not going right, similar to how in English we might say f**k . The frequency data is extracted from the English Wikipedia corpus, and updated regularly. Used adj = gyoostEn trap is gyoost fa ess-sach greeya. Swearing in Dutch isnt pretty. Hated verb = kast (PP)Da hund hott di katz kast. Note how often Arsch and its variations will come up in German swearing. It means something like Well done, mate, but it can also be pronounced in a sarcastic way when you mean the opposite. Any quotes from the Bible are from The Heilich Shrift, by Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. Pennsylvania Dutch, Deitsh, Pennsylvania German, PA German, and Penn German are all names for the same language. I think its needless to say that the following type of Dutch swear words and phrases are very much frowned upon by Dutch society. It is simply a glossary and Pennsylvania Dutch dictionary for language learning. When I was 7yo my dad named my cat Klota Cat. Mexican that came for the graduate education, stayed for the stroopwafels and bikes. Far off adj = veit abMiah gayn even zu areas es veit ab sinn. Kind of / Type of / Sort of = faVass fa challenges hott di Barb katt? Wasted verb = gwayst (PP)Du hosht en latt gwayst! Commonly used when talking about using an ax to split wood. These settlers originally came from German-speaking areas of Europe and spoke a dialect of German they refer to as "Deitsch" (Deutsch). However, for the sake of this article, we'll focus on more family-friendly Dutch curse words and Dutch insults. The Great Tribulation noun = di grohs dreebsawl. Lets skip right to the famous goddamnit of the Netherlands: godverdomme. Pannenkoek en poffertjes connoisseur/expert. Reddi fas ausboviahra? Dumjvel, idiotjvel, and dumfan could all very well be translated to "stupid bastard.". If you're looking for names related to pennsylvania dutch (e.g. Ask verb = frohwa (see also question verb)Miah frohwa dich fa ohhalda may lanna veyyich sell. [], [] can exchange languages. Some example sentences used on this page may contain partial quotes from sentences publicly available on and Godverdomme I love the Dutch swear words. Krijg de klere = Fuck you (not literally). For more information and examples, read the post yau and yo. I know Ditza sounds vaguely like Dikzak which means Fatso (lit. Then it will be godverdegodverdomme. Literally it means: someone who f*cks ants (mieren). Literally translated to 'ass violin,' this German swear is a word you'll use with friends. The language is elvolving tho, cancer is becoming more and more common. 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