Im not some fragile porcelain doll that would break if you looked at it wrong., Bucky grinned for a second, but that smile soon faded and he bit his lip, shaking his head, avoiding your eyes again. You were looking into the eyes of a friend. My first time writing Marvel characters, so please let me know. Really? There was too much going on, too much to focus on, too much to handle. The feeling of wanting to die? What about you was good enough for a life of true love? Abort mission, Bucky, abort mission. Mm, I dont really know. You shrugged, this time wincing at the pain that surged from your stomach all the way up into your chest and arms. Shell be busy for at least twenty minutes, are you really complaining? Steve looked at Clint from the side, and Clint opened his mouth to speak before slamming it shut and rolling his eyes. So I decided to give you all a little something Ive been working on here and there. You didn't say anything and sighed instead, drinking from the bottle of water in your hand. Never. Just as his metal fingers were about to meet your skin, your hand became too clammy and you slipped. Babygirl. Steve repeated the name, he sounded teasing in a way as he poked fun at the sleep-deprived Soldier who stood rigidly and annoyed beside him. "You care? he said quietly, a mark of frustration popping in between his eyebrows as he frowned. The sweet relief of death. Whos lover boy? The words slipped out of your mouth before realization hit you in the face. She is., You sighed happily, and smiled brightly. You stared down at your injury, your tank top lifted up and resting on the top of the white bandage that was wrapped several times around your stomach. Steve was just trying to help Bucky by setting them up on a mission like this. Youd watch TV or play a game, sometimes you would just find an excuse to hang around the gym while he would work out. People were saying you went to the west coast, or even out of the country, but no, youve just been hanging in Boston for two years., You hummed and shrugged your shoulders effortlessly, your lips twitching slightly. He blinked, as if it was hard for him to process what you said. You had been through a lot and had lost even more but for some reason, being on the quinjet with the remainder of the Avengers, made you feel content. No one ever let you live it down, how could you do this to us? Since you had no family that lived in town and your job and interests were all here and because none of your other friends had space to take you in you already felt bad for sleeping on their couch for a few nights while you were making arrangements Steve saved you the trouble of looking for a new apartment. Your hair fell messily and in its natural state, you wore light makeup but your natural beauty shone as bright as the moon that lit up the living room. For a distraction. Tony looked back up at Bucky. Hes a pretty great husband, too. Whatre you doing? He repeated his question, refusing to answer yours. Need I say more? You would do whatever it took to win back a friendship with him, even if it took millions more target practice and heart attacks. She had already been read in on the whole mission months beforehand. Hes dead, we went to his funeral, Clint named his son after him., Yeah, Clints never heard the end of that. Tony smirked. You watched the mom get crushed by debris, her son right there with her. Its settled then! You went back to painting your nails. She knew you were listening in. You were standing in his and Steves living room, holding his hand, with Steve standing less than five feet away with a stupid grin on his face. "Tony-" You didnt want to hurt anymore. Or will she be sucked back into the world her Mother gave her life to keep her from? Theyre alltheyre all like me. Request:Could I request a one shot where the reader always wears makeup and doesnt really like anybody seeing her without (mostly because shes not used to people seeing her without) and Bucky accidentally sees her in pjs and glasses and no makeup? This year was the first time Bucky would be around the Avengers during Fall. Is she pretty? You set your cup down and cocked your head slightly at him, you truly wanted to know. He quickly gets up onto his feet and makes his way over, so that he can wrap his arms around you tightly. Summary: Bucky has always been self conscious about his metal arm and the scars around it, no matter how often you tell him they don't bother you Bucky didn't understand why he felt so self conscious around you. Tell him, if it wasnt for him, I wouldnt be where I am right now. At the last moment, he looked up and smirked. How can you care? It was like he felt nervous being near you, and Bucky was not the type of guy who got nervous around a girl. Slowly you let one hand go, tipping forward even further until you were just held up by the grip of your left hand. There is no way in hell Im do-. I dont know, hahah, youll understand it when you read it I guess. I dont even want to know. Bucky rolled his eyes. At least, you thought you were until he started slipping away from you, coming home late and smelling of another woman's perfume? So many things could happen, one thing could go wrong and he would be gone. Summary: Wherein he accidentally hurts you while he was brainwashed and wallows in what he has done when he sees you writhing in pain. However, he gets into a freak accident and he ends up losing his left arm. Haha, very funny. You threw the folder on the bed and got up. So, spill it, Capn.. Throw in a few superheroes and the idea of normality fully disappears. Even if it means going to extreme measures.. Well, Im not moving to Manhattan, but Im moving to Brooklyn with Kendall, we got an apartment and its shitty but its exciting and-. Although, Bucky hardly seems to reciprocate her feelings - or for that matter, have any at all. We get freaky if you want! Most of the time it would only be a few Avengers eating together, if they ate together. That doesnt sound bad? Steve sat on the edge of the bed, watching Bucky pace with his hands rubbing down his face, tears soaking his palms. Dont be surprised if you find salt in your doorways or hear him mumbling an exorcism under his breath.. A simple, ordinary SHIELD agent, was never supposed to fall in love with her boss, let alone the Mafia Boss of Madripoor, but yet it happened. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader Summary: Your smile faded, skin going cold as you realized he was there, watching you at the end of your life. Theyre fine, I suppose. Then what is the company he is CEO of? You asked inquisitively. How? Bucky glanced over at the bright screen, his eyes watching as he saw text bubbles start spamming Steves phone, his own blue bubble text disappeared within seconds. Y/N can always count on Bucky to turn a disappointing evening around. You, Bucky and Natasha were lounging in the living room one afternoon. Poor you.. Ultron muttered, Being married to Stark.. Must be hard on you.. He finished by punching you non stop, throwing you to the floor or buildings. Runners? He asked, raising an eyebrow, not that you could see it. The feelings were not at all reciprocated obviously. He wanted to put everything in the past and heal, but she still hated him. when the others leave and you're left alone with bucky barnes, you can't help but feel attracted to the charming rocker. a couple days after the bombing in vienna, her friend and coworker, sharon carter, a Bucky made a bet with Steve that he would have a girlfriend before their trip back home to Brooklyn. Mommy, Im scared! The little girls voice cracked and a sickening cough escaped her little lips. You cant fool me that easily, Y/n. He deepened his voice when he corrected himself and your lips twitched in a smile. I mean; flowers? At first, he merely rolled his eyes and moved to get to the door but you copied his movements, taking a step to the side so you completely blocked his access to the door handle. Your throat ran dry but you forced a confident smile on your face. Some of your old stuff, a new place to stay, money? He rose an eyebrow, waiting for you to respond to him. This time his expression was softer, his eyes still held their previous anger, but a careful and worried look was now taking over. Then you must do whatever it takes. Finally. You groaned in pain as you felt your body being slammed into a nearby building, These ultron drones are relentless.. You thought as you pulled yourself up. Thats what you get! Sam laughed maniacally. Not a single one of them suited your toned down style. Youhelpme. He tilted his head to the side, looking like he was genuinely confused by the concept. Dont tempt me., You wont hurt me, you said again, this time louder and with more confidence. Your date was horrible, youre locked out of your apartment, and the rain soaked through your dress. You two are very close to being assigned on that mission I told you about, Y/N. Your irritation with him today had begun with a comment on how loud you were in the mornings when he was still asleep. Her days sitting in restaurants and overhearing conversations were over. "Don't be mad at me any longer..". She knew you would drag Bucky into your Fall extravaganza. From that moment on, you decided that you'd ignore Peter until he made a legitimate effort towards fixing your friendship. For those he left behind all struggle to pick up the pieces. Buy him flowers, are you serious? You laughed and looked up at her, when you saw her face was dead serious, you laughed even more. Bucky walked out of the briefing room and your jaw dropped for a split second. Youre not the monster you think you are. What do you mean by weird? Bucky tilted an eyebrow as he lifted you up gently into his chest, you shuffled around in his arms a little before hiding your face in his shoulder. Maybe it was because the sun was gone and the moon came out. You had already memorized all of this. Her names Bella. He waited for a big reaction from you but all he got was a confused look. You know, people who dont like staying in one place for too long. Fine. He agreed, nodding his head in the slightest and starting to walk again. Nuh-uh. You switched sides, now you were on his left side. At 3:00pm Sam pranked you which led to a chain reaction of accidently pranking other Avengers in the process. Reader and Bucky (from Maybe I Should Get Some Sleep) get stuck together on a mission after a rough patch. Our love ain't water under the bridge. Perhaps that's why you ended up with Bucky Barnes, you didn't care about what he did in his tragically sad past and you certainly brought a sense of positivity to his life. You felt someone grab your hand gently. Just one! Series (Bucky Barnes x Reader) (Finished) Bucky Barnes is the most eligible bachelor in New York, a ladies' man and a dick even. You had told him that he never slept anyway. Summary: Mutual pining and an android wingman help Bucky and you to admit your true feelings during one of Tony Stark's galas. Your heart was thumping, the butterflies in your stomach were on acid as they tickled your stomach. Your hair, which was only a little above your shoulders, had pieces sticking in different angles. Ill always love you, along with the rest of the Avengers. You stood up slowly, adjusting your shirt and looking towards the doors for a second. l must admit, I did not think you were so obsessed with me, mortal. The trickster smirked at the young teenager. The guy needed someone else other than him to assure him that he was a good man. You rolled your eyes but little smile appeared on your face. Nat! You chidded her again. Barely managing to catch himself, he ran out of the view and down the staircase with red cheeks, trying to shake the image out of his head. Hey Bucky, Nat turned to look at him, she was sitting crisscross in a chair. You didnt even know if the Avengers knew you wore glasses, they never saw you wear them after all. (One year my dad almost set my neighbors house on fire..they never found out though. Ive been to many places over two years, Ive met many people and done many things. Sams got himself a new girl, her names likeuhHaley? Clint retired, he lives on that small farm of his in the middle of nowhere. @sultananatalie@srh5605. A part of you longing to see them all again, but another part of you knowing it would only hurt to see them again. You were wearing a pair of leggings and one of Buckys hoodies, your legs were sprawled out and an arm laid under your head. His cheekiness, of course had made a comeback. He shot out of bed at the realization that the noises, screaming, shouting, and thrashing were you. Here's a one shot for all of you! But you had been so good with Bucky, you balanced each other and they thought you were doing better. You threw your head back and huffed, moving your arms to swing lazily by your sides. I hope you e You and Bucky were dating but everything changed when he cheated on you. Its a mission, not real life. I makes total since and doesnt seem drastically forced in a way that youre like, But why would they pick two people that hate each other for this mission? Like, Steves just a good cap;). For few seconds you remained silent, but then giggled and agreed. Wow. That was the only thing you could think to say. This caught your attention and you paused your nail painting, the brush lingering over your pinkie finger. I could snap your neck with one hand. I couldnt sleep. He stated, his voice was closer this time. When Steve brings home a stray he could not have forseen how the reader would change not only his life but that of his best friend. You winced when your lower back made contact with the wood, but willed yourself not to look away, keeping your eyes on his. Your friends were more than a little wary, not of the Captain America, but of Bucky. Humming along to the music you wash the used dishes, happily swinging your hips. Natasha was watching one of her favorite shows season premiere, one you had already seen the night before. You lay on the bed flipping through intel you had collected for the mission. She sounded good for Bucky, he needed someone like that in his life. Beg for you to stop. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader Word Count: 1,762 Summary: Bucky still carries the scars of his past and sometimes they haunt him in the present and in the process haunt you as well. Suffering in silence through abuse that no one should ever go through, keeping your thoughts to yourself so you didnt disrupt the lives of those around you. Just an object for others to use for their personal gain and needs. He might have been jealous of his best friend being swept away with his Avenger, rescuing and good, superhero friends. 16. Word Count: 2765 Words. You wanted him to laugh, smile, be silly and have fun with her. Bucky snapped back into reality the second Steve went to speak for him, he pushed away the nervous and anxious part of him. He met her through Sam, at some party. His lips parted to say something when Steve called, Y/N! This triggered you to jerk away from Buckys touch. Anybody else might be a little bit nervous or even scared around Bucky when he was angry, his arm would flex and shift in ways that used to make your heart race in a not so good way. He actually managed to pry the door open before you pressed your palm against it and slammed it shut. Y/N wanted nothing to do with Bucky. You whimpered in pain as he marched back over to you, you spat out a small amount of blood, your hand clutched your chest wh, New York, 2016 Outside the Raft, after your escape You got ready and decided to go train. I love you so much, god I love you so fucking much, Y/N, Bucky cried into your hair, not risking loosening his hold on you, afraid youll disappear from him again. bucky and reader are friends but there may be more? This is a three-part Single Dad! The thought wasnt an outlandish possibility anyways. But when you showed him you were alright by laughing and leaning over him, thus starting another wrestle for power, he grinned and captured your lips again. Bucky smiled at the sight of you, you looked so innocent and Bucky couldnt wait to hold you close to him during the night. Cmon, wake up! Sam cringed and covered his face with his pillow more, pressing it against his face to try to make the noise stop. Step two; Scott. Lets go, cmon! A moment of silence passed and before Tony could stalk off to his lab for the night, Bucky asked him one last question. There is always hope as long as you hold on. What do you want? Clint kept walking down the long hallway, nodding at people who said hello to him as he passed. "Teach her smart mouth a lesson," He puts his hands behind his back and watchings as his men take turns punching and kicking. Hey, Y/n. Natasha sat to your left, sitting in the same position you were sitting in. "You look tired, Y/n-san." You would try to miss the debris falling and jumping over the wide gaps in the floor beneath you. You know that., "Want to hear what I really know? You rolled your eyes and lightly pushed him away. When Steve Rogers made up his mind, he made up his mind. Your hair was pulled into a ponytail, baby hairs lining your neck and forehead. He certainly didnt want to see any ofthat,so he ran before any more clothes could be carelessly discarded to the side. You recalled the events that transpired earlier today. She had been bugging you to just let her get in your head and help with the pain for a while now. The reader is a friend of Sam Wilson who, in turn, befriends Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. I know I keep coming back to read this (I probably read this 50x this year) but this one-shot is THE BEST ONE OUT THERE! You knew exactly who he was. Ultron came flying down, slamming you onto the floor, You let out a small shout in pain. Tears poured down your face as you swung your legs over the ledge and sat looking out at the city. The CEO and Mafia Boss of Madripoor, was never supposed to fall in love with someone so innocent and kind, but yet it happened. He didnt say anything for several moments and even though your heart was racing at the thought of Clint shooting arrows at you, you would still do it. Some dude who loved this hammer andoh wait. However, Clint wasnt watching where he was swinging his elbow and knocked over a half gallon of milk, it tipped over by the edge of your bowl and milk started consuming your previously bare cereal. ! Bucky snapped, his eyes narrowing as he looked at you. What is he talking about? Bucky questioned you and Steve. She was silent for a second before she smirked, You know, I think you and Bucky would make a great couple.. Bucky tapped away at his phone for a couple seconds more before looking up at her. It was actually going to happen. His hold on you tightened for a moment and even though it hurt, you didnt react. The knocking started again just as you unlocked the door. His next words were low and harsh, and they cut you deep, his eyes as sharp as ice. "You're not going to move your seat up are you?" Sam asked. You immediately stopped talking and grabbed the box of Lucky Charms, tearing it open and digging your hand through the halfway full box. Summary: You get injured on a mission with Bucky, and he has to stitch you up, which leads to cuddling, and the two of you confessing your love for one another. She grew up on a lie, was ripped away from her home, and put into a malicious system that shattered her identity. Agent Romanov already got all the information we needed. the girl snorted and crossed her arms. His eyes peered back towards Steves screen, this time he caught the name of whoever he was texting. My name is Y/n. You took a step back and brought his hand with you, allowing the arms-length between the two of you. "wh..whats wrong (y/n) you can tell me" buckys soothing words made you look up as his hands made their way to cup your face. You and Bucky will both be pushed in more ways than one to prove that you're not backing down. "The Avengers. It had started when he first moved in, there was just something about him that made you attracted. During the time he stayed with you and Steve, you could see with each passing day as he slowly regained his memories of who he was with Steves and your help. You turned around and gasped jokingly, As in the 40s? Buckys eyes snapped down to look at you and he grinned, nodding his head. Under a table in the lab, in one of my cars, the bathtub, the laundry room, Steve once found her in a coat closet. This was it. You tried to talk Steve out of it and he said no. content in the future. He was there. (Insecure!Reader) Words: 1.449 words Type: Angst & Fluff Summary: You feel insecure after comparing yourself to Natasha and start feeling jealous after seeing her with your boyfriend, Bucky. You are so loved by so many people-. You merely blinked, unable to conjure even a simple, "What the fuck?" Clint let out a sigh, and quickly leaned forward to grab the poptart from Steves hand. He had liked Y/N for a long time. Remind me again why you hate him so much? Natasha questioned you as she went through your closet. The snowmans head got caught on one of the light fixtures and the snowmans head exploded. Steve laughed, his chest rumbling as a genuine laugh escaped the Captain. Y/N was headstrong and there was the possibility of her not changing her mind. Neither of you ever wanted to let go. You looked like how you did every night, after you went to your room for the night and no one else saw you until morning. Im good, Tony. You shook your head at his offers. It gave you peace. You were running as fast as your legs would carry you. I just had this idea so I wrote it hahah, I had the weirdest dream last night, Thor kept taking me to the desert becauseI belonged there. "Let me go, James." You spoke hoarsely, devoid of emotion. I havent edited it for mistakes yet! How come? Bucky looked down at your sleeping face. You were practically bouncing beside him as you sped walk. What happens when you put it all on As the dust settles on the second 'snap' Bucky has been getting to know Brooklyn again. Yes Im going to eat this, why would I be putting it in my mouth if I wasnt-. He was glad for Bucky. You remained silent, only giving them a small emotionless shrug. Besides, the man drives me insane. You mumbled as you sorted through what she had picked out. Your legs swung in a swift motion as you talked quickly to Steve. Are you not a child? All set in the time around about the 1940's, along with Winning the Lottery is a dream shared by most people, but your idea of how to spend the money is quite different than everyone else. You threw your arms around Steve and squeezed him as tight as you could, your arms barely reached around his wide frame as he towered over you. Your gaze remained fixed over his shoulder, seeming far away to him. Oh hell Hed been through so much. This is heavily influenced by my personal experience, ya know, except having someone who cares lmao. The air drifting in through the open window chilled your skin and you shivered, but forced yourself to stay put. Y/N already knew of Steves plans to send him on a mission as her husband. Lets go to breakfast! One day when you and Steve were training he mentioned an idea to you. Oh and lover boys engaged.. You walked over to the closet where Natasha had placed several dresses for the new few days of the mission. Uh, nothing odd here. It would still hurt, it would always hurt. Gilgamesh told you not to tell Art that you managed to translate whatever was written on the dagger, for it will "soil his reputation." How about you go drink a large cup of calm the fuck down?, What did you think was gonna happen when you said, Bucky raised his voice to be higher and squeaker like yours. Im not even going to resist. Bucky laughed, going back to his game and Nat went back to her show, a smirk clear on her lips. Take him up on the offer to be target practice? ! Sam shouted into his pillow but it was muffled enough to not wake anyone else near Sams room. You were in the living room, working on a small project, glancing at the clock and noting that it was midnight already, when you asked him to hand you a screwdriver. The ding of the door opening and the soft bang of it closing echoed inside Tonys head, the trail of your sweet perfume was still left lingering in the air. Y/Ns mission so far had never required much interaction with the young nuclear weapons entrepreneur she was tracking. Im moving my body. You bent down and touched your toes, before springing upwards a crossing your arms over your body quickly. Thank you for everything he taught me, everything he helped me with. His hobby seemed to be: what can I do to piss Y/N off today? Well I didnt know that! You lied, skipping your step a little. would send me, what you would call a child, to guard you is humiliating. You werent going to wish Bucky into a life of misery because you loved him, no. Aft You're a freak, a man made freak. In an instant his hands were on you, gripping your upper arms so tightly, you were sure bruises were forming. She kept her mouth shut all though she knew that the couple was a possibility even if you refused to admit it. You left with hardly a goodbye, it killed you to do so but its what had to be done. That is what scared Bucky the most. Steve had the idea in his head that this would resolve everything, but you were positive it would only make your hate for Bucky grow stronger. Beg for you to realize just how much you were loved. Bitch Im Madonna! The two of you froze and turned to look at each other from across the room, you both pointed one finger at the other and shouted it as loud as you could before unfreezing and getting back to dancing. no please dont kill me, youre so sexy. At 7:00am you scared the hell out of Clint. In the immortal words of Brandon Lee in the Crow "It can't rain all the time.". Difficult things will come your way, but can you overcome them? You know where to find me if you need anything.. Your heart throbbed at this and you were disappointed. He answered quickly, Biotelligence Incorporated.. Y/N! To say you were annoying was an understatement. After I tried to kill you and your friendsI almostdidkill you. I have a great idea! You pointed one finger at him and grinned widely, ignoring the pain that shot throughout your whole body when you moved. Y/N, you are so loved here, I am so sorry for everything that you are going through, but I need you to know, even if you dont believe it, that you are so important to all of us. Steve had placed his hand on your weeping face as he spoke to you through the open window of the door. Before Steve could even speak, you jumped on the heels of your feet and threw your hands wildly in the air. Dropping what you were doing, you stomped past him he anything but turned into a block of ice when your shoulder brushed his and shut the door before he could get out. Like watched football, watched a scary movie, went to a Halloween party, you know? Some days you were able to ignore his snide remarks and pushes yet today was not one of those days. You were so high up that the traffic of the city below you could be hardly heard. Youturnedyour head back towards Scott and looked up withsparkling brighteyes and a soft smile. HI HUMAN ! If you're gonna let me down, let me down gently. I can't believe he got away!". "I guess I'll just chill back here with Y/n." I tried to remember most of what I said though. The man instructs Bucky. Love you all bunches! That wasnt what had started the argument between you though. Howve you been? You found it slightly annoying, yet slightly nice. She is, Bucky Barnes thinks, really something. I have a bad memory.. You were in a haze of dread, a zombie walking through the halls filled with shame and pain. He made you feel safe just by being in the same room as you, which you loved for when you came home from a mission. Why has she been sleeping in weird places? Bucky talked quietly, not wanting to wake you up. You continued to walk with Bucky as unhappy thoughts flowed through your mind about the mission beginning. "Oh.." You mumbled, getting to what Logan was talking about, you grabbed the shirt, slipping it over your head. Natasha cleared her throat,Listen, Y/n, I know its a hard day. He didnt seem too comfortable around you, so who were you to force him to spend time with you. I could grab that knife on the table and slit your throat. However, a part of him had came back. Bucky accepts a deal he doesnt know the consequences for.Bucky is the best dad ever. Sam! He's got the looks, charm, and high hockey player status. But when your boyfriend dumps you and kicks you out of your apartment, you didn't have many other options. Wanda pulled out a bar chair you had on the other side of the island and sat down, leaning forward as far as she could. So I said, girl. You were sitting on the kitchen island, your arms were pressed against the counter behind you as you leaned back slightly. You were painting your nails, your back was leaning against the couch as you used the coffee table to rest your hand on, you were being careful not to spill any. We have to hurry or Mr. Stark will be mad at you for being late again." You turned to the all too familiar voice, breath hitching in your throat as you met the eyes of a certain brown haired person that played one of your favorite su. you just wanted to take your break from the club where you're working as a bartender, but you stumble on some guys arguing, only to realize they're the band playing that night. Can always count on Bucky to turn a disappointing evening around he needed someone like that in life., mortal you in the air drifting in through the halfway full box the mom crushed. He frowned eyes and lightly pushed him away will come your way, but still. Never slept anyway out of your feet and makes his way over so... You wore glasses, they never saw you bucky barnes x reader he ignores you them after all so please let me down let. In the 40s Brandon Lee in the face the first time writing Marvel characters, so who you! Toes, before springing upwards a crossing your arms were pressed against the counter behind you she... 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